Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Well, today I finished my Couch to 5K program and I feel great!  Last year around this time I was almost finished with it.  It's a 9-week program and last year I was on week 8 when I got sick.  Theeeeeen I feel out of it and did not get back on track until I came to Florida.  When it's nice out all the time, it's hard to not to feel good about yourself and the way you look.  So, I started with week 2 and stuck with it.  Woohoo!

That said, I am not a runner.  I never have been, so this was a great program for me. Now that I have stamina, I will start working on time.  I am not going to stop running just because the program is over.

Each year there is a super marathon... 100 miles from Key Largo to Key West.  Some people do it as teams, some do it alone.  Can you believe that?! No breaks... running all night.  Joe and I saw people running it in May when I came to visit and do some apartment hunting. They're incredible.  I don't even like DRIVING the length of the Keys, I can't imagine running it.

I have not been on my bike since I took a hard crash a month ago.  Truth is, I need to fix the brake that I crashed out of alignment. I also need to convince myself I won't be an idiot like last time.  See, I had just gotten in clip-in shoes and I was using them for the first time.  I decided I wanted to stop at the end of my street to tweak it a bit but when I came to a complete stop, I forgot to unclip BEFORE braking.  So here I was at a dead stop, realizing I was strapped to my bike.  I was falling over to my left, the handlebar hit the ground perpendicular and my chest went right into the end of the right handlebar.  I was essentially stabbed in the chest with my own bike and it knocked the wind out of me for a second.  I cannot tell you how much a sternum contusion hurts.  Sleeping hurt, breathing hurt, and don't even get me started on sneezing.  It took me a month to heal.

It's tough to find fun exercise classes like Zumba down here.  There's one a half hour's drive away, and there's another a 10-minute drive away, but they're in the $15 range and I just can't make that commitment weekly.

Our neighbors are super sweet and they took us out on the boat for a Full Moon Party in August.  They let us borrow everything we want and we are grateful for their kindness.  We've borrowed their snorkels and fins, and we went kayaking one afternoon.  We are very lucky!

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